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A fine quality eight day Georgian longcase clock by John Mason of Bawtry c.1750

  • John Mason, Doncaster 1720 - 1740, Bawtry (Nr Doncaster) 1750.
  • Date: 1750
  • Height: 211cm
  • Width: 54cm
  • Depth: 23cm
  • Price: £3,600



A fine quality quarter sawn oak 8 day longcase clock by John Mason of Bawtry, circa 1750.

The well proportioned case constructed of beautifully figured quarter sawn oak, of excellent original colour and patination.

The stepped and moulded caddy topped hood with the hood door having attached turned pillars terminating with gilded wooden capitals. Shaped back splats to the rear of the hood

The beautifully figured and patinated long trunk door with arched top and the original brass H hinges.

A box base with raised panel and shaped bracket feet.

The original steel lock, Georgian bow key and cast brass escutcheon.


The square brass dial of elegant design with finely cast ornate spandrel mounts in the corners and and superbly engraved silvered dial centre.

Bold Roman numerals chapter ring and an outer minute circle with Arabic numerals at five minute intervals, signed to the lower edge John Mason, Bawtry.

A silvered subsidiary calendar zone to the centre with finely executed engraving and ornate blued steel pointer. Subsidiary seconds zone to the upper section. 


The fine quality and original fully restored movement of eight day duration united by four knopped pillars, with anchor escapement and countwheel striking the hours on a single bell.

All of our clock movements are restored by our horologist who works exclusively for us.
Our horologist is a Fellow of the British Horological Institute (FBHI), having 35 years of full time professional engagement in the repair & restoration of clocks, watches, music boxes & barometers. He was the recipient of the 1977 Worshipful Company of Clockmakers Bronze Medal.

Weights and pendulum

The original lead weights and the original brass faced pendulum.


Finely fretted and wrought blued steel hands.

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Movement 1


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Movement 2


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Detail 1

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Detail 2

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Detail 3

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